Friday, October 7, 2016


TOPIC 1: PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE WEEK -- After selecting your “Photographer of the Week” (instructions below):
  1. Name of photographer Arthur Fellig
  2. Gather and share THREE FACTS about that person. Weegee is his nickname. He is famous for stark black and white photos. He was born in Austria-Hungary in 1891
  3. What most stands out about that person’s photos? They are often stark, black and white, and on the street.
  4. Finally, describe his/her “CLAIM TO FAME.” All of his gritty, dark, "noir" photos made him
  5. pretty famous.

TOPIC 2: FEATURE PHOTOS -- On the last page of Chapter 4, “Features,” is a list of “22 Ways to Find a Feature.”  

  1. First, list the TWO suggestions that sound most interesting and doable to you, and explain why those stand out to you. #4 Shooting from an unique advantage. This is what I enjoy doing; I love finding new places to go, new angles, to take kickass photos. #11 Explore a new neighborhood. I love finding a new place to explore: I do parkour, and urban exploration is something I love to do.
  2. Second, take one of your two favorite suggestions and using that technique OUTLINE A PLAN you could use in coming weeks to get some great feature photos.  Be creative!
I will most likely start exploring new areas here in Albany to find some interesting perches....and maybe I will find a good spot to stakeout where a whole bunch of college kids hang. I can most likely bike down new streets, and just plan out where I would want to hit up, and with my ability to access almost everywhere, I can find some awesome vantage points.

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